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Transforming Metal Casting Science for the 21 st Century – Role of 3D Design Principles and Smart Sand Molds Abstract: Over 90% of all manufactured goods and machinery use a cast part. Sand casting is a manufacturing process that dates back to 1000 BC and accounts for 70% of all cast parts. Sand casting has several critical applications in a variety of sectors including defense, energy, aerospace and automotive. However, conventional sand casting is […] Categories: Past Seminars |
Design for Additive Manufacturing: Three Use Cases and Their Implications Abstract: A pattern is emerging among companies adopting metal-based additive manufacturing (AM). In the first stage, they use AM to replicate an existing part to understand the technology’s costs and capabilities. This gives them insight into AM processes and allows them to move onto the second stage wherein they adapt their designs for AM to […] Categories: Past Seminars |
Smart Surfaces: Integration of Flexible Electronics with Building Materials Abstract: As one of the world’s largest electronic and building material suppliers, DuPont has many top brands and technologies in the areas of flexible hybrid electronics such as flexible/wearable conductive inks and films, and large-scale rigid and flexible substrates. Smart Materials in DuPont has been focusing on the convergence of electronics and building industries and produces […] Categories: Past Seminars |
Radiation Chemistry, Reactivity and Dynamics in Ionic Liquids and Molten Salts Abstract: Being comprised entirely of charged species, ionic liquids (IL) and molten salts (MS) have dramatically different properties compared to conventional molecular liquids and they provide new and unusual environments to test our understanding of physical chemistry phenomena. We are interested in how IL and MS properties influence physical and dynamical processes that determine the stability […] Categories: Past Seminars |
Living Electronics for Bio-interfacing Abstract: Electronic and biological systems represent two limiting thermodynamic models in terms of functioning and information processing. By converging the dynamic and self-adaptable features of bio-machinery and the rationally defined/programmed functionalities of electronic components, there is potential to evolve new capabilities to effectively interrogate and direct biologically significant processes, as well as novel bio-inspired systems/device […] Categories: Past Seminars |
Oscillating Foils for Energy Harvesting Abstract: The water flow through tidal estuaries create a large source of renewable energy that is highly predictable and close to urban centers, yet mostly untapped in the United States. This presentation gives an overview of recent efforts to develop a hydrokinetic energy harvesting device well-suited for tidal flows, that is based on the oscillating motion […] Categories: Past Seminars |
Overview of MDAO at the Air Force Research Laboratory and a Bio-inspired Method for Topology Optimization of Aircraft Structures Abstract: The mission of AFRL’s Multidisciplinary Science and Technology Center (MSTC) is to discover, assess, and exploit coupled system behavior for optimization of revolutionary aerospace vehicles through the application of multidisciplinary design, analysis, and optimization (MDAO). To this end, MSTC performs in-house research and sponsors efforts ranging from basic developments in FEA, CFD, design space exploration, […] Categories: Past Seminars |
Instabilities in Soft Materials: Emergent Heterogeneity and Other Surprises Abstract: During development, instabilities develop in the brain, giving it its characteristic wrinkled shape. Other soft tissues, including skin, the bladder, and the airway mucosa, also exhibit instabilities and the resulting folds, wrinkles, and creases. Instabilities in these soft tissues, which often contain multiple layers with distinct properties, are very complex and still not well […] Categories: Past Seminars |
The Challenge of Modeling and Simulation for Molten Salt Nuclear Reactors Abstract: The rapidly expanding interest in molten salt reactors (MSRs), particularly as small modular reactors, is resulting in the generation of multiple design concepts with efforts at a variety of early developmental stages. Various companies and organizations in a number of countries are looking at such systems to be safe, economical, and rapidly deployable power […] Categories: Past Seminars |
It’s a bit of a stretch: selective, flexible mechanical sensors towards VR, healthcare, and robotics applications Abstract: In this talk, I will discuss work related to mechanically “programming” soft sensors to respond to a particular mechanical deformation. Advances in 3D-printing, soft polymer fabrication, and other rapid fabrication processes have made the vision of conformal and stretchable mechanical sensors for wearable devices and soft robotics possible. One limitation of these sensors is […] Categories: Past Seminars |
Mechanical Principles of Biofilm Formation Abstract: Biofilms are surface-attached communities of bacteria that can cause problems including medical infections, fouling, and clogging in industrial applications. By contrast, beneficial biofilms are crucial in applications including waste-water treatment and microbial fuel cells. In this talk, I will discuss about our recent progress in using Vibrio cholerae as a model biofilm former to reveal the […] Categories: Past Seminars |
Ranajay Ghosh: The Extreme Mechanics of Fish Scale Inspired Structures Abstract: Dermal scales appeared early in the evolutionary history of vertebrates, most notably in fishes. Their remarkable multi-functional roles include protection from predatory attacks, enhancement of locomotion, camouflaging and thermal regulation. This has led to a tremendous variation in scale type, material, shape, size and organization among species (e.g. fishes, snakes) as well as within […] Categories: Past Seminars |
Electrochemical Energy Systems Abstract: Demand of batteries keeps increasing as electronic devices get widespread and fossil-based systems are being replaced by electricity-based systems. Lithium-ion battery has been considered one of the most promising power sources for mobile and transportation systems, but it faces challenging issues of high cost, low capacity (i.e. short operation hours or driving ranges), and […] Categories: Past Seminars |
Real-Time Sea-State Estimation From Measurement Of A Ship’s Motion in Waves Abstract: In standard seakeeping simulations of a ship in irregular seas, the rigid body motions of the ship are computed using a set of semi-analytic integro-differential equations, which model the response of the ship including non-linear and history dependent forces. Using this type of model allows one to model the response of the ship in […] Categories: Past Seminars |
Chondrocyte Mechanotransduction: Metabolomic and Proteomic Analyses Abstract: Several studies have documented the importance of metabolism to osteoarthritis. This seminar will discuss recent advances in understanding how chondrocytes alter their metabolism in response to in vitro mechanical loading. Furthermore, metabolomic studies of osteoarthritic synovial fluid will be discussed in the context of early detection and phenotypes of osteoarthritis. Biographical Sketch: Ron June […] Categories: Past Seminars |
Prof. Michael Yu Wang (HKUST): Material and Structure Design and Optimization in the Era of Additive Manufacturing Abstract: Additive manufacturing (AM) today affords complete freedom in controlling geometric details and material composition in three-dimensional fabrication. They provide new routes for manufacturing parts with structural properties in high-strength, light-weight, and exceptional performance. To further the adoption of the AM technologies, there is a need for “Design for Additive Manufacturing” methodologies and computer tools […] Categories: Past Seminars |
Prof. Ronald K. Hanson (Stanford): PW Distinguished Lecture: New Strategies for Laser Diagnostics and Shock Tube Imaging Abstract: This presentation will introduce two new ideas for laser diagnostics applicable to combustion and propulsion and two new ideas for high-speed imaging of combustion phenomena in a shock tube. The first laser diagnostic to be discussed is Spectrally-Resolved Fluorescence, in which a narrow-linewidth wavelength-tunable laser source is rapidly scanned over one or more absorption […] Categories: Past Seminars |
Dr. Ruhong Zhou (IBM): Large Scale Molecular Simulation of Nanoparticle-Biomolecule Interactions Abstract: Nanoscale particles have become promising materials in various biomedical applications, however, in order to stimulate and facilitate these applications, there is an urgent need for a better understanding of their biological effects and underlying physics. In this talk, I will discuss some of our recent works, mostly molecular modelling, at bio-nano interface and their […] Categories: Past Seminars |
Integration of Materials Design, Additive Manufacturing and Machine Learning for Personalized Heart Surgery Planning and Optimization Abstract: This seminar presents a research study for personalized heart surgery planning and optimization with integration of advanced materials design, multi-material 3D printing, and machine learning techniques. In this study, a meta-material design approach was first developed to create a mechanical structure that can mimic mechanical behavior of human aortic valves. The tissue-mimicking heart valves […] Categories: Past Seminars |
A Tea Light Candle and the Global Waste Problem Abstract: In 2012, the World Bank estimated that each person living on planet earth produces approximately 1.2 kg waste per day amounting to 1.2 billion tons per year. By 2025 this number is expected to reach a staggering 2.2 billion tons, which raises the fundamental question: What is and what happens to waste? Most of […] Categories: Past Seminars |
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