New Materials Testing Apparatus Could Mean Money, Time Saved for Manufacturers Keywords: |
Mechanical Engineering Lightning Talks Join us to learn about the exciting research that some of our Faculty and their groups are doing at our Department at our ME Lightning Talks! Pizza will be provided. Since space is limited, this event is limited to ME graduate students and faculty, and a limited number of ME undergraduate seniors. If you are […] Keywords: |
Abstract: Materials Genome Initiative (MGI) and Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME) have the potential to accelerate discovery, developing, manufacturing, and deploying of advanced materials. However, it is usually not the material performance, but the structural performance or system performance we are pursuing. To fill the gap between materials genome and structural analysis, the concept of Structure […] Keywords: |
Dr. Xinyu Zhao has been awarded an American Chemical Society Grant through the Petroleum Research fund for her research entitled “A computational study of the lean blow-off mechanisms for a bluff-body stabilized premixed flame.” The fund supports research directly related to petroleum and fossil fuels at nonprofit institutions around the world. Increasingly stringent emission requirements […] Keywords: |
Prof. Zhao Awarded Air Force Young Investigator Program for Work on Turbulent Premixed Flames The Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) Young Investigator Research Program (YIP) has honored Professor Xinyu Zhao as one of just 43 scientists and engineers awarded YIP grants for her research project titled “Pockets in Highly Turbulent Premixed Flames: Physics and Implications on Modeling.” The grant is worth a total of $450,000 over three […] Keywords: |
Computational Design Optimization Abstract: Our ability to manufacture now greatly exceeds our ability to design. Engineers are no longer merely inconvenienced by inefficient trial-and-error design; rather, they are nearly incapacitated by the vast space of possible designs afforded by Advanced Manufacturing (AM) technologies. There are no systematic methods to design systems with such complexity, especially those that exhibit […] Keywords: |
Abstract: As form follows function, so shape governs the properties of structural and material systems. Recent studies on adaptive structures have capitalized on these connections to realize unprecedented tunability of system properties and functionality by passive or active transformations of system configuration. This two-part presentation describes integrated theoretical and experimental research efforts that advance these […] Keywords: |
Abstract: Induced by proteins within the cell membrane or by differential growth, heating, or swelling, spontaneous curvatures can drastically affect the morphology of thin bodies and induce mechanical instabilities. In this talk, we aim to describe how the differential swelling of soft materials induces a spontaneous curvature that can dynamically shape materials. The dynamics of […] Keywords: |
Prof. David Pierce Wins 3 New Grants Assistant Professor David Pierce will be deploying his Interdisciplinary Mechanics Laboratory to tackle three projects that just received funding: two from the National Science Foundation (NSF) and one from the U.S. Army Natick Soldier Research Development and Engineering Center (NSRDEC). The first NSF-funded project (titled Biomechanical Simulations of Progressing Osteoarthritis to Advance Understanding and Therapies) explores how […] Keywords: |
The Role of Gas Turbines in Global Energy Conversion Abstract: It has been remarked that “invention is the mother of necessity” – not the other way around. Technology breakthroughs of themselves, can and do create world markets. In a very short period of history, the gas turbine, youngest of major energy conversion devices, has changed and created global markets in aviation, in marine propulsion […] Keywords: |
New technology from Prof. Thanh Nguyen published in Science The latest issue of Science features a new technology invented and developed by our very own assistant professor Dr. Thanh D. Nguyen. Prof. Nguyen’s brainchild, developed during his postdoc with Prof. Robert Langer at MIT, offers the latest advance in 3D manufacturing for microstructures of biomaterials: StampEd Assembly of polymer Layers, or SEAL for short. The […] Keywords: |
Microengineering Approaches for Tissue Engineering and Developmental Biology Abstract: Early stages of human neural development include neural induction, shaping, folding, and closure of neural tubes. Current understanding of early neural development relies on animal studies. However, insights in human neural development mechanism are very limited, largely due to the inaccessibility of human embryo, lack of in vitro models, and ethical concerns. In this […] Keywords: |
New Device for Testing Heart Health Dr. George Lykotrafitis and his student Kostyantyn Partola have been featured for their development of a device that tests blood viscosity – an important indicator of heart health. Kostyantyn has had support from the Accelerate UConn program as well as the Connecticut Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation Fellowship program to support the commercialization of the […] Keywords: |
Atomistic Modeling at Experimental Strain Rates and Time Scales Abstract: I will present a new computational approach that couples a recently developed potential energy surface exploration technique with applied mechanical loading to study the deformation of atomistic systems at strain rates that are much slower, i.e. experimentally-relevant, as compared to classical molecular dynamics simulations, and at time scales on the order of seconds or […] Keywords: |
Mechanics of Blood Clots and Fluctuating Lipid Bilayers Abstract: Blood clots are required to stem bleeding and are subject to a variety of stresses, but they can also block blood vessels and cause heart attacks and strokes. We measured the compressive response of human platelet-poor plasma (PPP) clots, platelet-rich plasma (PRP) clots and whole blood clots and correlated these measurements with confocal and […] Keywords: |
Particle-Resolved Simulations of Complex Multi-Phase Flows Multiphase flows are ubiquitous in a wide range of natural processes and engineering applications. Although efforts to compute multiphase flows started as early as the beginning of the computational fluid dynamics. Keywords: |
Dr. Nguyen received a NIH R21 trailblazer young investigator award for a project entitled “bionic self-stimulated cartilage”, in collaboration with Dr. Cato Laurencin at UConn Health, school of medicine. This highly-interdisciplinary project aims to integrate a new biopolymer, developed in Nguyen Lab, with a chondrocyte tissue graft to create an exciting hybrid artificial cartilage. The PIs hope […] Keywords: |
Emeritus Prof. Lee Langston goes to Italy with the ASME History & Heritage Committee Professor Emeritus Lee Langston, a member of the ASME History & Heritage Committee, recently traveled to Palermo, Italy, to represent UConn and ASME at the ceremony recognizing the engine collection housed within the University of Palermo’s Museum of Engines and Mechanisms. From left to right: Giuseppe Genchi, Terry Reynolds, and Lee Langston. Photo by ASME/Wil […] Keywords: |
Battery Aging and Lifetime: What Can We Learn From Ecological Approaches? Battery technologies are increasingly being deployed across diverse applications, from portable devices to transportation and residential and grid applications Keywords: |
Stephany Santos Wins Ford Fellowship Stephany Santos Wins Ford Fellowship.Stephany Santos, a doctoral candidate in the imLab, and advised by Prof. David Pierce, recently won a prestigious Ford Foundation Fellowship from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. This fellowship recognizes both her research in cartilage mechanics and her work in engineering education, communication, and mentorship. Her work in […] Keywords: |
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