Our department has much to offer corporate partners, from our state of the art research facilities to the strong foundation of intellectual capital found in our faculty, researchers, and graduate and undergraduate students. The department thrives through partnerships with industrial associates, and we invite you to be in touch to learn more about partnership opportunities.
Recruit: Many corporations find that the Senior Design program provides an ideal opportunity to meet top students on campus and introduce them to their company. Please be in touch with Prof. Baki Cetegen , Department Head, to inquire about recruitment.
Research: Sponsored research projects with the Department of Mechanical Engineering allow companies to target a problem and deploy the facilities and brain power of our department to solve it. Please explore our Research pages to learn about our areas of faculty expertise. Our directory of Faculty is also available for additional information.
Recent Corporate Partners:
Aerogel Composites, LLC
Dr. Dennis Flanagan
Pioneer Aerospace
UTC Power