Brief History


A four year program in mechanical engineering is established at the University of Connecticut.


John N. Fitts is the first engineering professor. A graduate of the Class of 1897, Fitts is appointed professor of mechanical engineering, and during his tenure, a strong program in mathematics, physics and chemistry is instituted.


The Division of Mechanical Engineering is established. John N. Fitts is named Dean of the Division.


First bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering is awarded to Earl R. Moore. Moore would later serve on the Engineering faculty until his retirement in 1954.

The Division of Mechanical Engineering moves from the basement of Whitney (Old) Hall to the Mechanic Arts building. The building had been constructed in 1909 for use by the mechanical engineering program, but had instead served as the Dining Hall for ten years.


The State Chamber of Commerce, at the Legislature’s request, studies major problems of the College. Their report suggests that women no longer be admitted and “a limited number be sent with scholarships to Connecticut College for Women,” that mechanical engineering is “exotic” but tolerable, and that the School of Agriculture’s “Two Year Course be discontinued,” in effect dismantling the College. President Beach replies that the Chamber of Commerce report was written by a committee that had never been to the College and had never interviewed College officials. The Legislature does not implement the recommendations of the report.


Division of Mechanical Engineering is renamed the Division of Engineering, and courses are now offered in civil, electrical, and mechanical engineering.


The Department of Mechanical Engineering receives full accreditation.


The State grants the University $86,000 to complete the equipping of several mechanical engineering laboratories in order to keep its accreditation.


The School of Engineering premieres its graduate program with an M.S. degree offering in three disciplines including Mechanical Engineering.


A program in industrial-mechanical engineering (IME) is established. The program is offered as an option in mechanical engineering and never attains departmental status.


Construction of Engineering II, authorized in 1955, is completed. It houses offices for chemical and mechanical engineering.


Industrial-mechanical engineering program closes.


The first Ph.D. in mechanical engineering is awarded to Paul J. Nemergut.


The Aerospace Engineering Department combines with the Mechanical Engineering Department.


United Technologies Engineering Building construction is completed.


15 women graduate the program, the highest number to-date.