Internships and Co-ops

Internships and Co-ops are hands-on learning opportunities for students to apply and practice what they learned in a real world engineering environment. Such experiences allow students to observe first hand and learn experientially what it takes to operate and thrive as a practicing engineer. Through an internship or co-op students can also become familiar with a potential employer.

UConn’s Center for Career Development provides services for students who are looking for full-time and part-time employment, internships, or co-ops. Please visit their dedicated page for internship information:

If you are interested in a broader and deeper experience, please consider a co-op for your junior or senior year. Please find more information here:

If you are looking for an international internship or co-op, UConn’s School of Engineering has a well-rounded international engineering program that has this requirement built into the program. Please find more information here:

The Career Fairs organized by the School of engineering provide an excellent opportunity to network with industry and learn about potential employers.