Energy Systems

Energy Systems: experimental and computational research in fluid mechanics, heat and mass transport and combustion as applied to technologically important systems such as gas turbines, combustion systems, fuel cells, heat pipes and thermo-electric devices.  Other areas include research into alternative fuels and their utilization and emissions.  

Affiliated Center: Center for Clean Energy Engineering

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Sheikhi, Associate Professor In Residence and Associate Department Head

Interests: active faculty, computational fluid mechanics, computational mechanics, Current, Energy Systems, fluid mechanics, Multi-physics computational modeling, transport phenomena, turbulent combustion, turbulent combustion modeling


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Barber, Professor-In-Residence

Interests: computational dynamics, computational fluid dynamics, emeritus faculty, Energy Systems, physical fluid dyanmics, propulsion system nozzles


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Pasaogullari, Professor

Interests: Current, Energy Systems, fuel cells, Multi-physics computational modeling, multi-scale computational modeling, multi-scale modeling, multiscale modeling, polymer electrolyte fuel cells, transport phenomena, water management


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Sung, Connecticut Clean Energy Fund Professor in Sustainable Energy

Interests: combustion, Current, Energy Systems, fuel chemistry, laser diagnostics


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Zhao, Associate Professor

Interests: computational fluid dynamics, Current, Energy Systems, radiative heat transfer, turbulent combustion modeling, uncertainty quantification


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Lu, Professor

Interests: Chemical Kinetics, combustion, computational fluid dynamics, Current, Energy Systems


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Chiu, Professor

Interests: Applied Mechanics and Advanced Materials Processing, batteries, carbon nanomaterials, Current, electrolyzers, energy materials, Energy Systems, fuel cells, gas separation, heat transfer, mass transfer, metal foams, Micro and Nano-scale Systems, photonics, semiconductors, solar cells, waste forms


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Cetegen, United Technologies Chair Professor

Interests: Applied Mechanics and Advanced Materials Processing, Current, Energy Systems, fire dynamics, fluid mechanics, heat transfer, optical diagnostics, turbulent combustion


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Faghri, Distinguished Professor Emeritus and Distinguished Dean Emeritus of Engineering

Interests: boiling and condensation, emeritus faculty, Energy Systems, enhanced heat transfer, fluid mechanics, heat pipes and fuel cells, heat transfer, Micro and Nano-scale Systems, phase change and solidification, transport phenomena
