| Sheikhi, Associate Professor In Residence and Associate Department Head
Interests: active faculty, computational fluid mechanics, computational mechanics, Current, Energy Systems, fluid mechanics, Multi-physics computational modeling, transport phenomena, turbulent combustion, turbulent combustion modeling Profile |
| Barber, Professor-In-Residence
Interests: computational dynamics, computational fluid dynamics, emeritus faculty, Energy Systems, physical fluid dyanmics, propulsion system nozzles Profile |
| Pasaogullari, Professor
Interests: Current, Energy Systems, fuel cells, Multi-physics computational modeling, multi-scale computational modeling, multi-scale modeling, multiscale modeling, polymer electrolyte fuel cells, transport phenomena, water management Profile |
| Sung, Connecticut Clean Energy Fund Professor in Sustainable Energy
Interests: combustion, Current, Energy Systems, fuel chemistry, laser diagnostics Profile |
| Zhao, Associate Professor
Interests: computational fluid dynamics, Current, Energy Systems, radiative heat transfer, turbulent combustion modeling, uncertainty quantification Profile |
| Lu, Professor
Interests: Chemical Kinetics, combustion, computational fluid dynamics, Current, Energy Systems Profile |
| Chiu, Professor
Interests: Applied Mechanics and Advanced Materials Processing, batteries, carbon nanomaterials, Current, electrolyzers, energy materials, Energy Systems, fuel cells, gas separation, heat transfer, mass transfer, metal foams, Micro and Nano-scale Systems, photonics, semiconductors, solar cells, waste forms Profile |
| Cetegen, United Technologies Chair Professor
Interests: Applied Mechanics and Advanced Materials Processing, Current, Energy Systems, fire dynamics, fluid mechanics, heat transfer, optical diagnostics, turbulent combustion Profile |
| Faghri, Distinguished Professor Emeritus and Distinguished Dean Emeritus of Engineering
Interests: boiling and condensation, emeritus faculty, Energy Systems, enhanced heat transfer, fluid mechanics, heat pipes and fuel cells, heat transfer, Micro and Nano-scale Systems, phase change and solidification, transport phenomena Profile |